And below is a sampling of the press coverage Promesa has received...
As population booms, political parties vie for Hispanic voters KVUE
The Texas Democratic Party has unveiled the "Promesa Project," an online initiative complete with video production painting Republicans as anti-Latino and encouraging young Hispanic voters to become politically involved through social media.
Texas Dems launch Latino outreach program Houston Chronicle
Dubbed “The Promesa Project”, the initiative seeks to utilize social media and young Latinos. According to the Texas Democratic Party, the movement is based on two key factors related to Latino and Hispanic voters in Texas: “young Latinos are increasingly the trusted sources of political information in their families and social circles,” and “the internet has surpassed television as the main sources of political information for young people under 30.”
'Proyecto Promesas': Demócratas a la conquista del voto latino AOL Latino
En un programa sin precedentes dirigido a latinos, el partido demócrata de Texas lanzó el "proyecto promesa" para promover la participación de jóvenes hispanos a través de un sitio en internet, los medios sociales y recursos audiovisuales.
Texas Dems launch new Latino outreach program San Antonio Express News
The Texas Democratic Party (TDP) is using the anti-Latino rhetoric of present (and past) Republican politicians across the country in hopes of moving Texas into the blue.
Texas Democrats Reaching Out to Young Latinos NBC Latino
The initiative seeks to utilize social media and young Latinos. TDP is hoping that since young Latinos are increasingly the source of political information for their families, they will spread the word to vote democratic.
Texas Dems Enlist Youn People to get out the Vote in 2012 News Taco
Our community is under attack by right-wing extremists. We’re willing to bet, albeit not $10,000, that you’ve had enough of the hostility and hateful rhetoric coming from the Republican Party towards Latinos. But you have the power to stop these constant attacks on our families.
Texas Democrats Target Anti-GOP Message At Young Latinos KUT News
Seeking to capitalize on the state’s booming Hispanic population, the Texas Democratic Party (TDP) is trying to paint Republicans as hostile toward Latino interests.The so-called "Promesa Project" is aimed at young people. The TDP says on the campaign website that its research found that “young Latinos are increasingly the trusted sources of political information in their families and social circles.”
Dems will station fellow at UTA Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Hoping to gain traction in local political races, the Texas Democratic Party is putting a paid fellow at the University of Texas at Arlington as part of the second phase of its Latino engagement program called The Promesa Project. Through the effort, party members seek to engage young Latinos as Democratic messengers to their family, friends and social networks.
Texas Democrats To Place Paid Staff on TAMIU Campus Laredo Sun
The Texas Democratic Party today announced the second phase of their Latino engagement program known as The Promesa Project. Through this project, Texas Democrats seek to engage young Latinos and ask them to be our Democratic messengers to their family, friends and social networks.
TDPs Promesa Project Enters Phase Two Dos Centavos
The Texas Democratic Party is set to begin the next phase of the Promesa Project, a program designed to engage young Latinos with the purpose of recruiting them to become Democratic messengers.
Each of the following clips is about an issue of particular relevance to Latinos and features Texas Democratic Party staff.
Republicans as Anti-Latino
Say "conservative" not "Republican" to woo Latinos: Tea Party — Reuters
Rebecca Acuna, a spokeswoman for the Texas Democratic Party, told Reuters that it's no coincidence that the Texas-Mexico border region is heavily Democratic. "It'll be hard for Republicans to convince Latinos that they want them in their party when they don't even want them in this country," Acuña said.
GOP Picks Expert for Hispanic Outreach — Hispanic Business
"It'll be difficult for the RNC to convince Latinos that they want them in their party when Republicans don't even want Latinos in this country," said Texas Democratic Party spokeswoman Rebecca Acuña. "Unless the RNC mutes their candidates, this will be quite a challenging endeavor. Republicans have been some of the Democrats' best surrogates within the Latino community."
El español, 'lengua del ghetto', dice aspirante a senador en Texas AOL Latino
El partido demócrata de Texas calificó la postura de Cruz como "extremista", al no aceptar disculparse por su comentario del que hasta Newt Gingrich sí se retractó y exhortó a los republicanos a dejar de atacar a la comunidad latina para ganar el respaldo de los extremistas en su partido."Sólo en el partido republicano se considera una desventaja saber hablar más de un idioma", comentó la vocera demócrata Rebecca Acuña.
Anti latino, primer debate entre aspirantes republicanos texanos al Senado AOL Latino
"Fue una competencia para ver quién era el candidato más anti-latino", opinó la vocera del partido demócrata de Texas, Rebecca Acuña, quien también advirtió a los republicanos que "si quieren que los latinos los tomen en serio, tienen que dejar de promover las políticas que sólo dañarán a nuestra comunidad".
Unánime condena latina a relación Perry-Arpaio AOL Latino
Por otra parte, para el Partido Demócrata de Texas, las políticas "anti-latinas" del aspirante republicano ya eran conocidas, por lo que "no nos sorprende que esté pidiendo consejos migratorios de un hombre que está siendo investigado por el Departamento de Justicia por supuestos abusos contra inmigrantes latinos", comentó la subdirectora de política para el alcance latino, Rebecca Acuña, a AOL Latino.
Old issue causing new problem for Ron Paul - Houston Chronicle
“Ron Paul’s newsletters are deplorable and another example of the hatred that has become accepted in the Republican Party,” said Texas Democratic Party spokeswoman Rebecca Acuña. “Mr. Paul gravely mishandled the situation, but he never should have allowed for such reprehensible content to be published under his name in the first place.”
Guest Column: Hispanic Republican Caucus: Latino Voters “Unwinnable” - The News Taco
But when faced with a court-ordered map that would give them the opportunity to stand by their records and put their “Hispanics share our values” rhetoric to the test — they protested, they cried foul, and they quit. When weighing actions against words, be mindful of the fact that both the Chairman and the Vice Chairman of the HRC have chosen not to seek re-election after being drawn into districts that are overwhelmingly Hispanic.
Perry Gets Nod From Arizona Sheriff Joe Texas Tribune
Texas Democrats attacked Perry for campaigning with Arpaio. Party spokeswoman Rebecca Acuña said Perry was “getting in bed with one of the most xenophobic figures in the country.”
Sheriff Joe Arpaio says Rick Perry will be “a tough-on crime president” Houston Chronicle
The Texas Democratic Party quickly responded to the news, branding the endorsement as a desperate attempt by Perry’s campaign to appease right-wing hardliners. “This reeks of desperation from Rick Perry,” the TDP said in a release. “Perry’s trying to inject a lifeline in his doomed presidential campaign by getting in bed with one of the most xenophobic figures in the country.
GOP race: Are candidates’ messages resonating with Hispanics? KXAN
Rebecca Acuna with the Texas Democratic Party says Republican talking points risk alienating Hispanic voters. “They advocate for an electric fence that’s going to kill people and call United States citizens ‘anchor babies,’” said Acuna. “We’re just tired of that sort of hostile rhetoric.”
Rick Perry’s Discussion With Sheriff Joe Arpaio Draws Condemnation Huffington Post
Rebecca Acuña, Latino outreach spokeswoman for the Texas Democratic Party, indicated that the ‘anti-Hispanic’ politics of the Republican governor were already well known. “We are not surprised that he is asking for advice on immigration issues from a man who is being investigated by the Justice Department for alleged abuses against Latino immigrants,” she said.
Obama's DREAM Acst Promise Could Help Millions of Youth Guest Column- News Taco
Democrats understand the DREAM Act is the epitome of personal responsibility, and that the values it represents are American values. In December 2010 the U.S. House of Representatives passed the DREAM Act, only to have it blocked by Republicans in the U.S. Senate. Only 3 Republican Senators joined Senate Democrats and supported the DREAM Act, giving the bill a majority but not the 60 votes it needed.
Dream Act Texas: Demócratas impulsan referendum para 2012 AOL Latino
Disgustados por la forma en que sus opositores republicanos ”demonizan” a los estudiantes indocumentados en los debates políticos, los demócratas texanos pidieron que se terminen los ataques hacia esos jóvenes que tienen acceso a educación universitaria con matrícula de residentes estatales.
El republicano Marco Rubio urge a GOP presentar propuesta de reforma Al Día TX
Rubio además se opone a la actual versión del Dream Act, proyecto de ley que legalizaría a estudiantes indocumentados, así como a la reforma de salud, y es partidario de recortes presupuestales que perjudican a latinos necesitados, dijo Rebecca Acuña, portavoz del Partido Demócrata de Texas.
Texas Dream Act a dream for Perry’s GOP rivals Houston Chronicle
The Texas Democratic Party has launched a website calling Perry the “anti-Latino” presidential candidate.
Voter ID:
Texas insiste en aplicar la Ley del 'Voter ID' en próximas elecciones AOL Latino
Según el Partido demócrata de Texas, Abbott "está desperdiciando impuestos para averiguar si la ley de identificación de votantes es discriminatoria en intento o sólo en su efecto, como si ello hiciera alguna diferencia en la gente que está siendo discriminada".
Texas AG asks court to clear way for voter ID law Houston Chronicle
The Texas Democratic Party condemned Abbott's decision to sue to get the law enforced."Abbott's wasting tax dollars to inquire whether the voter ID law is discriminatory in intent or just in effect, as if it made any difference to the people being discriminated," Rebecca Acuna, the party spokeswoman said. "The absolute intent of this law is to disenfranchise voters.
Dems accuse Abbott of wasting tax dollars on lawsuit YNN
The Texas Democratic Party fired back Monday at Attorney General Greg Abbott's lawsuit to expedite the state's voter identification legislation, calling it a waste of tax dollars.
Texas Redistricting Supreme Court Showdown Set to Begin — Fox News Latino
But Latino and African-American groups, as well as the Texas Democratic Party, complained that the result ran afoul of the Voting Rights Act's prohibition against diluting the ability of minorities who had suffered under official discrimination from electing representatives of their choice.
Latino Republican Dilutes Latino Vote Then Lies About It News Taco Guest Column
So, electorally, Peña is a non-factor. But, at the moment, he’s still in office and is the leader of the Hispanic Republican Conference as well as a member of the Redistricting Committee. And that’s what makes this a huge deal — the guy Republicans put in charge of Hispanic outreach was so scared of facing Hispanics after this legislative session that he cut 30,000 of them out of his own district.
Democratic Party: Rep. Aaron Peña lied about redistricting The Monitor
Democratic Party officials accused Peña of using his seat on the redistricting committee — he was the only Valley legislator assigned to it — to gerrymander his own district for personal gain. “We have a Republican member of the redistricting committee caught lying about his role in the drawing of a district so blatantly discriminatory that it could be used in textbooks to illustrate gerrymandering,” Gutierrez said. “Simply put, Peña would not have lied if he had not done something wrong.”
Texas Republican accused of gerrymandering his district Raw Story
Pena had repeatedly denied accusations that he was directly involved in the drafting of the redistricting map. His new district covers less than 2 percent of his old district. But during the redistricting trial a House Redistricting Committee Counsel, Ryan Downton, testified that he worked with Pena on the district lines. Downton said Pena would identify specific neighborhoods that he believed were favorable to him so that he would include those in Pena’s district.
Anthony Gutierrez: Texas Democrats stand firm against GOP shenanigans El Paso Times Guest Column
We saw the priorities of Republicans like Dee Margo and Rick Perry in the last legislative session — $4 billion slashed from public education, tens of thousands of teachers laid off, billions cut from basic state services. If these gerrymandered Republican maps are allowed to stand, you and your family will get 10 more years of those misplaced priorities.
Did Pena Lie About Drawing His Own House District? Texas Observer
The same day Gutierrez released his report, the Department of Justice filed legal briefs announcing that the Texas House and congressional redistricting maps violate the Voting Rights Act of 1965 because they don’t protect the electoral power of the state’s minority populations. This means the case go to federal court in Washington D.C.
Anthony Gutierrez: Latino republican lied about redistricting involvement News Taco Guest Column
That Peña was supposedly lying about his involvement in redistricting — which was wrong in a whole slew of ways, including edging out Latino and African-American voters (which we’ll be updating you on this week) — is important because it means there is a lot more going on than he or others have let on (which, again, is something we’ll talk about in our post-redistricting lawsuit coverage).
Rebecca Acuña: DOJ Finds Latino Politico Disenfranchised Latino Voters News Taco Guest Column
Republican State Representative John Garza rejected the inclusion of politically organized Hispanics in his district. That statement was included in the filing by the Department of Justice (DOJ) to deny Texas’ request for summary judgment in the redistricting case.